BE BADGES Awards return for Season 4 ‼️
In Term 3 of Season 3, BE BASKETBALL introduced a very popular and successful "Character Building" initiative called BE BADGES!

We are very excited and happy to announce in Season 4 our coaches will continue to recognize and award those BE Family members who show outstanding effort in vital areas of "BEing a great human BEing" such as...
◎ Attitude
● Hard Working
○ Positivity
□ Being Better
These important characteristics are something which we as a sports program wish to promote and highlight as integral qualities of our basketball community which will also help shape and evolve the world itself 🏀🌍
“BE the Change you wish to see in the World”
For more information about this exciting award system, please ask your coach at the next session and stay tuned for weekly awards and Instagram news of our winners!

BE your BEST