BE BASKETBALL are excited to unveil their brand new uniform for the new season 2019-20 sponsored by Chevrolet and the NBA!

This season every member of BE BASKETBALL will receive some amazing branded items such as;
> Warm up T-shirt
> Playing shorts Elite squad members will also received the above items along with a full playing uniform including sponsored jersey by Chevrolet and the NBA!

This incredible feature for the Season 4 program was made possible by our extremely supportive Partners and all the hard work achieved on the court throughout Season 3 by our team!
The NBA has officially approved their logo for the BE BASKETBALL jersey from the head offices in New York!
Other amazing pieces of kit available this season at a small price include:
> BE Headband > BE Hoody > BE Drawstring Bag
We are extremely happy to see all of our members from ages 5 to 21+ wear our brand with pride, and help empower the BE motto across Qatar!
BE Confident this season with the support of Chevrolet & the NBA!
