SEASON 3 || TERM 1 - 14 weeks is our longest term ever!
Start date: Sunday, September 2nd 2018 (your original weekly schedule will remain the same!)
Due to the recent shorter Ramadan Term 3 program last season we have made the decision to give you even more skill development, competitive games, training opportunities and court-time with BE BASKETBALL from September - December 2018.
This forthcoming Term 1 (branded BE INVOLVED) will be 14-week's of dynamic training and organized games across Qatar and cost 2,100QAR per member (twice a week training).
This is an additional 3-weeks of basketball and 6 extra practices, which results in the increased term fee.
Please note our prices have not altered since last season. We have ensured our fees are competitively comparative across the local marketplace, whilst also guaranteeing you the best basketball training course in Qatar and the only sports program certified by USA Basketball.
We will continually strive to ensure our prices remain the same and consistently in-line with the increase/decrease of term schedules across the academic calendar.
We are extremely excited to begin this brand new term with you and your family and have much more news coming your way including an Eid Skillz Clinic, more BE BASKETBALL merchandise, new and creative training equipment and a potential NBA skills trainer visit to Qatar to work with us!
Watch this space!