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Introducing the official BE BASKETBALL Player Development Pathway! 

During our recent time off the court at BE BASKETBALL, our team has been extremely busy putting together our official academy curriculum including a detailed developmental pathway for all members at our club. 

This systematic program has been created to guide players of all ages, (and the people that coach them), through a level-appropriate system of basketball development.

Based on the philosophies of the program’s Founders; Ben Smith and Eric Gardow, and influenced by the outstanding work of USA BASKETBALL and Gannon Baker (NBA skills coach and global trainer); BE BASKETBALL have designed a practical, functional and sequential development model to properly impart the game to a player. Our Curriculum consists of four levels of development: BE Basics, BE Rookies, BE Rising Stars and BE All Stars. Each level takes the player through progressive development techniques based on their mastery of basketball and movement skills as opposed to their age, grade in school or physical attributes. This “mastery of skills” approach allows the player to develop physical literacy, learn basketball vocabulary and acquire the movement confidence needed to optimize their basketball potential.

Here is a quick look into each of our carefully designed curriculum programs;

Here we creatively begin to teach the FUNdamental movement skills and overall motor skills relating to sports in general. Each member will have a ball in their hands as they explore the basic skills relating to basketball; dribbling, passing, shooting and footwork. Group skill competitions will be played throughout this level. We will introduce team principles/concepts only - avoiding actual 5x5 competition until fundamentals are further developed in the term.

These members will learn all fundamental and basic basketball-specific skills; establish vital building blocks for overall basketball movements/play. 80% of time will be spent on individual fundamental training and 20% of the time invested in actual game competition. We will teach position concepts, but not yet assign player positions at any point in this level. We will also divide actual competition between special games (1x1, 2x2, 3x3, skill games) and 5x5 play, and not focus on actual 5x5 competition until later in the level.

Here we begin to build the aerobic base, build strength towards the end of the level and further develop overall basketball skills (to play the game!). In Rising-Stars we begin to build the “engine” and consolidate basketball skills. Early in the level, 60% of the time is spent on individual training and 40% is spent on competition including 5x5 play, special games (1x1, 2x2, 3x3 and skill games) as well as team-oriented practices. Later in the level, depending on the mastery of skills, the switch can be made to a 50:50 training-to-competition ratio and positions can be assigned.

Here is where the most advanced athletes train and play at BE BASKETBALL. Members will maximize their fitness levels at this stage. We will prepare for regular competition as well as heavily invest in individual and position-specific skill training. Here is where coaches enhance the “engine” of fitness, skills and performance. Our training-to-competition ratio in this phase shifts to 25:75, understanding that the competition percentage includes team-oriented practices and other competition-specific preparations.

The BE BASKETBALL Player Development Pathway will also have separate sets of evaluation criteria at each stage in order for members to progress through the levels each term/season. This allows for everyone to be accountable for their work, efforts and goals within the club.

We are very excited to begin this new developmental journey with you and continue to help each and every member at BE BASKETBALL become the best version of themself on and off the court.

For more information about our programs at BE BASKETBALL please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime:



Qatar-Finland International School

Swiss International School Qatar

Hamilton International School 

Compass International School

Oryx International School

UDST - University of Doha


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